From the Apostle's Pen

They Believed They Could So They Did

By Apostle Joseph Hobbs, Th.D.
Neh 4:6

Neh 4:6

So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.

"Courage is the determination not to be overwhelmed by any object, that power of the mind capable of sloughing off the thingification of the past." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Greetings to all in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to have the privilege of sharing these few lines with you on a weekly basis. It gives me the opportunity to encapsulate my thoughts and ideas concerning the direction of the ministry that God has assigned to us. The thought that I would like to encourage today is the importance of determination and willingness to work together for a common goal.

The number of uncommon things accomplished by the common man with an uncommon determination is truly remarkable. Our text speaks to us about a man and a nation who were determined to rebuild the walls of their previously attacked city. They were facing what seemed to be insurmountable odds, however, because of their faith, fellowship with kindred minds, and their fortitude they remained undaunted in the face of opposition. The Bible says that they completed the work in record time. This was because they did not allow their detractors to discourage them. They knew that the assignment that lies before them was bigger than they were. This meant that the only way it could be successfully completed was by the hand of God upon their lives.

The faith of Nehemiah gave the people great encouragement to continue the work while opposing voices tried to cause them to see what a waste their efforts would prove to be. The faith of Nehemiah was so infectious that the word says the people became like-minded. The success of the project is contributed to the fact that God through Nehemiah was able to inspire the people to believe that they could indeed do the work. The Spirit of God would have you to know my co-laborers in this Gospel that together nothing will be impossible to us.

Together we will build a new house for the worship of our God. Together we will win 3,000 plus souls unto the Lord.