From the Apostle's Pen

Learning to Serve One Another

By Apostle Joseph Hobbs, Th.D.
Matt 20:28

Matt 20:28

Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (KJV)

"Let us do little things as though they were great, because of the majesty of Jesus Christ who does them in us and who lives our life; and do the greatest things as though they were little and easy, because of His omnipotence." - Blaise Pascal

On behalf of Pastor Brenda and myself, we would like to personally thank Chairwoman Evangelist Leslie Mathews-Smith, and all of the leaders who worked together to make our Family and Friend month an unforgettable experience. Without your diligence to details and your willingness to work together for a common cause it would not have been the success that it was. The important thing now is that we are not to stop doing what we have been doing specifically for the past month. We must capitalize on the momentum that this successful endeavor has granted us. It is my prayer that each and every member of Triumphant Life CC, would answer the call to evangelize the lost and get busy for the Lord.

In the above passage, the Lord is sharing with us what true greatness really is. The Lord has gifted each of us in a variety of ways that we might be able to serve and to honor one another. The truth of the matter is that whenever we freely give of our time, our talent, or our means to help one another, we are really doing the Lord's work. The greatest position in the Kingdom of God is that of a servant. The example that Christ places before us is the high-water mark of service.

The Lord wants us to share with one another from a heart that is filled to capacity with his love. When we learn to love as Christ loved we won't easily be offended when we are asked to get under the load with a fellow laborer we will actually count it an honor that we were chosen to apply our knowledge, gifting, or resources to help our brother or sister. When we joyfully seek for opportunities to serve one another, we are fulfilling the law of God. There are so many ways that we could help each other if we only looked for them. It has been said that you can know exactly where you are in your growth as a servant by how you react when people treat you like one. We are serving sons!