From the Apostle's Pen

The Joy of Sharing Your Faith

By Apostle Joseph Hobbs, Th.D.
John 4:29

John 4:29

Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? (KJV)

"We have drifted away from being fishers of men to being keepers of the aquarium." - Paul Harvey

Greetings in the name of our risen Savior Jesus Christ! The above truth concerning the woman at the well is known by many and shared abroad with the emphasis always falling upon some unwritten character issue. I believe however that the most important aspect of the text is her response to the Christ. The indication that for her faith was granted was in responsiveness to the Word of the Christ. This woman received such an assurance of hope and change in her life that she became at once a vocal witness for Christ. She should be an encouragement to all of us that out of gratitude to God for all that He has done for us in saving us from eternal destruction, we should be willing to tell His story to others. Apteral, isn't that what Evangelism is all about? Evangelism is telling others about the salvation offered through confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We are often hesitant because we feel that eloquence and years of training are prerequisites to sharing the Truth of the Gospel, but this is simply not accurate. Notice in the text the woman's presentation of what she knew and believed was neither eloquent nor was it based upon prior training. The woman spoke and shared with enthusiasm the Truth as she had received it and believed it to be. The closing portion of her statement in the above verse turns the focus upon the persons who are listening to her testimony. She asks the listeners, "is not this the Christ?" She was placing the focus on what Christ had done and not upon whom she was. She was suggesting to them that based upon what he had done it was now upon them to draw up their own conclusions.

Our world is in need of help and hope that only God can grant. The source of this help and hope is only to be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! I want to encourage every member of this ministry to seek God for opportunities to share your faith with someone this week and thereby fulfill the call of discipleship upon your life. Evangelism is sharing God's love for the world through His Son.