
Welcome TLCC! What an exciting season we're in. We're in the place of transition, elevation, and purpose. Only God knows what He has in store for us. Thankfully, He is fully able and willing to complete what He started in us from the creation of time.
This is our space to interact, learn more about each other, and connect when we cannot be together. Our virtual community will help strengthen our bonds as we share pictures, prayer requests, praise reports and more. Come here often to find out what's going on in our church and community. Make suggestions of things you'd like to see and will do our best to accommodate reasonable requests. This is your space, let's make it great!


Pay your Tithes & Give your Offerings

Photo Albums

Prayer Requests

Praise Reports

Discussion Boards
Note: Please remember that this is an online environment. Use regular internet safeguards. While we encourage candid communication, please refrain from posting your address, phone number, or other contact details.

Member Chat Rooms
Note: Please remember that this is an online environment. Use regular internet safeguards.

We reserve the right to remove comments or other information that does not reflct Christian values or TLCC culture. Please post at your own comfort level. Triumphant Life Christian Church (including the Pastors, Trustees, Deacons, Ministers, and other leadership) assumes no responsibility for postings here.